

Juvenile Literature (J) 400 ภาษาศาสตร์
Corderoy, Tracey
United States : Tiger tales,2015.
unpage : col.ill ; 16.6x16.6 cm.
J D794N 2015
Everyone thinks Otto is adorable. But then Otto learns the word no -- and now he says it all the time! At first, it's fun to refuse to eat, take a bath, and go to bed. But when Otto has a bad day at school, Daddy has the perfect solution.


Everyone thinks Otto is adorable. But then Otto learns the word no -- and now he says it all the time! At first, it's fun to refuse to eat, take a bath, and go to bed. But when Otto has a bad day at school, Daddy has the perfect solution.
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1 J D794N 2015
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